
1. Purpose

The purpose of this project is to use the power of OpenBB SDK to help make investment decisions systematically and thoroughly. This project builds upon the due diligence jupiter notebook that comes with the SDK and adds to it integrations such as to Twitter, Tradingview real-time widgets, and Google Sheets so that there are additional insights that can help with investment decisions.

2. Getting started

OpenBB Due Diligence Jupiter Notebook:

This notebook is the one that does the analysis and will generate the html code after it is run

  1. First install the OpenBB SDK following the SDK instructions.
  2. The due_diligence.ipynb notebook contains the code that gathers the financial data and generates the HTML file.
  3. Go into the notebook and specify the symbol and long name for the symbol
  4. Running the report will produce an html file .html in the public/templates directory


The backend is very simple. It uses FastAPI and only has one main routine that handles the serving of the html page.
You can deploy this in one of many Clouds. Or you can deploy locally

Locally, in a terminal

  1. pip install fastapi[all]
  2. uvicorn app:app –host –port 80
  3. Point your browser to

On the cloud, you can deploy on

  1. Select a python 3.9 image
  2. Specify the build command to be
  3. Add in the Twitter API keys in the environment variables (TWITTER_KEY,TWITTER_SECRET,TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN, TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRET)
  4. Add in the deploy command uvicorn app:app –host –port 10000
  5. Point browser to http://service-url/tweet/symbol-name


Distributed under MIT license